3 Video Tactics Used By Irish Marketing Managers to Boost Quality Sales Lead


Hi, This is Cynthia from CB Media Video Production.


We talked to the marketing managers of some of the biggest companies in Ireland as part of our annual research study on the best ways marketing managers in Ireland use video to accelerate the generation of high quality sales leads to support their sales teams. 


They shared a lot of very insightful information with us, and today I’ll share three pivotal strategies they use to maximize both leads volume and brand impact with video.


Firstly, they use video as a piece of the puzzle,  not the whole picture. Video is not the be all and end all of their strategy. 


These marketing managers insert videos in their comprehensive marketing strategies from social media and email campaigns to website content video and reaches the overall brand experience.


So it serves to provide value, sharing client testimonials, product insight, tutorials, and much more. And this value driven content fuels trust and loyalty, boosting that brand’s resonance with their audience. 


Secondly, they measure, refine and repeat for these marketing managers. Success is about engagement, views, lead generation, brand awareness and customer retention. They focus on goal aligned KPIs, continually analyzing and adjusting strategies based on insights. 


They tailor their KPIs to let them pinpoint the video marketing effectiveness accurately.


The key, they said is to choose KPIs aligned with the campaign goals. For brand awareness, they focus on reach on impressions to drive engagement.


They prioritize likes, shares and comments and they regularly monitor and analyze their KPIs.


They make data driven decisions for future campaigns and they adjust strategies  based on insights gained, campaign after campaign.


And finally, they shared their top performing video types.


And I’m going to share them with you right now because you might want to try them too, if you are not using them already. 


One of their top performing video types is educational and explainer videos. They use these to demonstrate products or explain complex ideas, establishing their brand as a reliable industry authority. 


These information rich videos often lead to quality leads. Then, you’ve got the webinars and livestreams, so those are real time interactions to engage their audience.


Whether launching products or hosting expert discussion, this format requires registration, which is a goldmine for lead generation.


Plus, they can be repurposed into bite sized content for further reach.  And then you’ve got the customer testimonial and case study. 


These videos underscore that company’s credibility, showcasing actual customers experiences and successes reassures potential leads about the product’s value, prompting conversions.


This is great to convert your prospects into customers.


So there you have it. Three powerful strategies used by leading Irish marketing managers as part of their video marketing campaigns.